Canceled – Pajama Story Time Yoga for Kids

  • Due to a lack of pre-registration this event is canceled. Please stay tuned for a new date in the future. For Kids grades K-2 in pajamas on a Sunday evening while parents take time for themselves, Betty Camlin will stretch, soothe and relax the kids with story time Yoga before sending them home for bed.
  • 2010-05-16T18:15
  • 1 hour

We’ll take a fantastical yoga adventure, then a story and have soothing foot rubs followed by a gentle Savasana. Milk and cookies will be served after the class, then sweet dreams to follow. What a great way to end their weekend! Parents are encouraged to drop off the kids and take time for themselves or are also welcome to stay.
For kids grade K-2. $20/person, pre-registration is recommended. Sign up online or call Dew Yoga. (203)524-2919.