Restorative Yoga with Reiki Healing
- A delicious blend of Reiki and Yoga healing. Join Rita Trieger and Jen Irwin for two hours restorative yoga while receiving hands on or hands above Reiki.
- 2013-06-30T13:00
- Two hours

$45/person. Pre-registration is required. Maximum 14 participants, 2 Karma recipient spaces available, contact Jen.
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Yoga For Cancer Immersion
- Exceptional, educational, and therapeutic, this four-hour workshop, presented by Antonio Sausys and Rita Trieger will help yoga teachers, health care professionals, cancer survivors, and those currently in treatment, develop specific tools to help address individual needs, and the often devastating effects of this terrible disease.
- 2011-12-03T11:00
- 4 hours
The in-depth afternoon will provide an overview of both the physical and psychological aftermath of a cancer diagnosis and cancer treatments while offering specific yoga techniques and practices that can help overcome the resulting obstacles, as well as ease the body, mind and spirit.
News: Class Cancelation December 3, 2011
- Saturday 12/03, 11am Enlighten Up Yoga with Rita is canceled. Class will resume next week.
- 2011-12-03T11:00
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News: Holiday Schedule
- Wednesday, 11/23: Lunch Express, Pilates, Prenatal and Moderate Kripalu are canceled. All regular classes are canceled on Thanksgiving. Friday 11/25 9:30am and 12:15 lunch express are canceled. Morning and Evening classes with Jeff and Connie on schedule.
- y2011-11-23T08:00
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News: Thanksgiving Classes Are Here!
- Candlelight Yoga, Wednesday, November 23rd, 7-9pm. Annual Sadhana of Gratitude, Thursday, November 24th, 9-11am. All are welcome, class is open level. Bring your won mat and props if you have them, Space is limited, please sign up in advance. You can sign up by emailing If you would like to bring a non perishable food donation, we will be taking them to the food bank.
- 2011-11-23T08:00
News: This Saturday Holistic Living Series – Cold and Flu Prevention
- Saturday, November 5th, 2011 2:00pm. Ever worry about the ingredients in the flu shot and other OTC and prescription medicines? Want to use natural remedies, but don’t know what to use? What is the difference between a homeopathic remedy and an herbal one? What are probiotic foods, and how do they taste? Donations Suggested $10/person.
- 2011-11-05T14:00
- one hour
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News: Subs this Week
- Mariona subs Jeff’s Thursday Open Level Kripalu at 11:00am. Hannah subs Jeff’s Rise and Shine Friday at 7:00am. Janine sub’s Rebekah’s Dynamic Flow Yoga Saturday at 9:00am.
- 2012-02-08T09:00
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