Tag Archive for: support
You are Dew Yoga.
Dear Dew Yoga,
You are Dew Yoga.
When you show up to practice for You, you are actually making it possible for all of us to be at Dew Yoga. Your class fees help to pay our amazing teachers and take care of our beautiful space.
In the last week, donations for our fundraiser have started showing up too, including $100 gift from two Yoginis that visited us from Philadelphia last week. They felt so moved by what we offer they mailed in a gift.
If you can support the sliding scale and scholarship funds at Dew, you are showing up for many of the very special people who might be right on the mat next to you. Some of the people who have benefitted from sliding scale and free classes are:
A single mother of 4, doing her employment and parenting job single handedly with no extra budget for Yoga but plenty of need for balance in her life.
A school teacher with low income who lends their time and love teaching Yoga to children in after school programs.
A young woman who suffered a car accident and has been unable to return to work due to chronic pain.
A yogi who cares for their spouse on disability.
A yogi with stage 4 cancer, unable to return to work.
An aspiring yoga teacher, 18 years young working full time and still challenged to make ends meet living on their own.
Several Yogis in a long term recovery from addiction, yoga supporting their journey.
Several young men and women coming out of college with debt, taking entry level jobs and little budget for Yoga.
These yogis and so many others bring their hearts and souls into class with you. They also offered their support throughout the year whenever Dew could benefit from non-monetary assistance.
We are also lawyers, doctors, business owners, accountants, librarians, realtors, mechanics, admins, managers and executives at many of the large corporations in the area and so much more. When you need a professional service, ask us. If you have a service to provide, share with us so we can support your business too.
You all make it a community and a success.
If you can afford to contribute with a monetary gift, we assure you it will be good value for our long term sustainability. We assure you, it will be appreciated.
You can leave a cash or check gift in the jar at the studio. A credit card gift to the “Pay it Forward” account can be made at the desk.
Love and Gratitude,
Dew Yoga
Announcing Dew Yoga’s All Day Open House Fundraiser
Dear Friends,
We are so excited to announce the All Day Open House Fundraiser!
As the availability of Yoga classes has exploded around us more and more, people are incorporating Yoga into their routine. This is a beautiful thing for the greatest good!
It also creates a wide array of choices for students to explore. While attractive pricing for classes may draw a crowd, we remain committed to our diverse selection of classes and the highest quality of teaching and environment. Our Open House is a day for us to demonstrate Why Do Yoga at Dew. We will also be raising funds to support our sliding scale and sponsored classes to maintain our missions – Make Yoga accessible to all. Offer diversity to diversity.
As Summer moves us to the vibrant outdoors, it becomes low season for indoor Yoga classes. A robust turn out for this event will help us to attract new friends to the studio and keep us financially secure through summer. Please do what you can to support your community. We are already receiving monetary gifts in advance of this event! There are many ways to help us to do what we do best – YOGA, SERVICE, WELLNESS! Read below for ways you can help.
With love, respect and gratitude,
Here’s the class schedule and eats, treats, and shopping schedule for the day!