Yoga Therapeutics and Ballwork for Shoulders and Low Back with Ellen Saltonstall

  • This workshop addresses common tension patterns and restrictions in the shoulders, neck and lower back which are common to everyone, including yogis. We will look at the biomechanics of these key areas of the body, and practice poses specifically chosen and adapted to help re-align and dissolve tension while also building strength. You’ll come away with fun, practical and effective tools to prevent and heal restrictions in your shoulders and lower back, applicable in any level of yoga practice.
  • 2014-08-10T14:00
  • 4 hours

Class will include Kinetic Awareness, a bodywork method using rubber balls, which dramatically eases tension in the muscles and joints. Ellen will bring the balls, which can be purchases for home use at the end of the day. Please join us for a uniquely informative and enjoyable afternoon! Early bird special is 75 dollars per person before August 1st. Thereafter, cost is 80 dollars.