Entries by Dew Yoga

Sub: Thursday 10/14 Jeff Subs Ann 4pm Gentle/ Healing

Thursday 10/14 Jeff Subs Ann 4pm Gentle/ Healing. A gentle Yoga class designed to be therapeutic and healing. All levels welcome. Any therapeutic needs or considerations may be directed to the teacher so appropriate modifications can be offered. 2010-10-14T16:00 One hour and 30 minutes

Enlighten Up Yoga with Rita Continues!

Enlighten Up Yoga – Restorative, slow flow and meditation, Saturdays 11:00 am – 12:15pm. Drop in or class card. Class continues as a weekly class! 2010-11-07T11:00

Saturday Special with Rita Trieger

Enlighten Up Yoga – Restorative, slow flow and meditation, 11:00 am – 12:15pm. Drop in or class card. Class begins 10/ 16 and offered for 4 weeks – unless you want more, let us know! 2010-10-16T11:00 One hour and fifteen minutes

Prosperity and the Power of Manifestation – Kundalini Yoga with Evelyne

Learn and practice Kundalini techniques (breath, mantras, mudras, kriyas ) to awaken to the prosperity and abundance that lies within us. “Prosperity not being limited to material abundance: DIs-ease is, lack of health, lack of happiness, lack of inner peace, lack of flow, lack of abundance. Wellness is to Prosper, to be “pro spirit” to live to your fullest potential, to express your birthright as a healthy, happy, holy and successful human being” Intention setting, how to do it to help with the manifestation aspect of the practice. A Gong Healing meditation/relaxation will seal the workshop $35/person, register in advance. 2 Karma recipient spaces available. 2010-10-17T12:00 2 hours

News: Class Cancellations This Weekend

Class Cancellations Friday October 22 – No Teen Yoga with Jen and Saturday October 23 5pm Open Level wtih Ann Canceled this week only. Classes resume next week. 2010-10-22T7:00