MindFull Gathering: Success!
Dear Dew Yogis,
We had an amazing MindFull Gathering connecting with one another, the Yoga communities of CT Power Yoga, Family Tree Yoga , Mantra Yoga and Aerial Arts, many beautiful vendors, music and with Nature. The day exceeded any expectations and intentions we had for such a gathering. So many of you who attended, thanked me personally for putting together this event. It is a practice for me to receive such beautiful sentiments and as I do that work, let me shine some light on those who had as big a hand in this as I did.

Janelle Taylor, a beloved Dew Yoga teacher stepped into the most important organizational and promotional role along with Courtney, myself, and Sage Irwin. Together we nurtured that little seed until it blossomed into the event so many of us enjoyed.

All Love and Light to All of you!
Jen Irwin