Dew Yoga happily hosts SoulDance with Jennifer Zwerin. Dance, heal, move, love, scream, play, surrender, create, dream. “An open heart chakra is an infinite source of love and compassion. The more the heart opens, the more love fills your being. This is about the awakening to real love for yourself that enables true forgiveness and about developing a genuine and profound loving-kindness and compassion for all beings.” On December 14, we will focus on the heart chakra. Can we trly open and see one another’s depths? Can you hold a supportive place in an openhearted or close-hearted dance? Workshop cost is $15, cash only.
- 2013-07-26T20:00
- two hours

Jennifer Zwerin is a Certified Brennan Healing Practitioner & Massage Therapist who has had passion for dance and movement since the early age of two. Being in the field of mind/body therapy for more than nine years, she has found dance & movement to be an integral part of her own healing process. She has just recently enrolled in a Shamanic Healing Studies program & PsychoEnergetics to further her exploration of self healing as well as global healing.