Acupuncture Stress Relief and Fundraising Clinic with Mark Gutkin
Auricular acupuncture is based on the understanding that the body’s structures are represented on the outer ear. Used for thousands of years, this method of acupuncture can relieve stress, help treat pain and addictions as well as aid in recovery. Today the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association’s 5 needle treatment protocol is widely used in helping patients suffering from stress related disorders, as well as victims of trauma or natural disasters. In this introductory clinic, each participant will receive a 20 minute auricular treatment while seated comfortably. Calm your mind, increase productivity and more with this ancient Chinese healing technique. Reservations are not required and walk ins are welcome between 6 and 8. Please check out our website before coming in. The suggested donation is 20 dollars. Donations will benefit Mark’s charity the 44 Flip Flops Project. To learn more please visit Mark’s website, 2014-05-01T18:00 Every Thursday for two hours.