Happiness as defined by Dew Yogis

February Insight Meditation Series
Starting February 3rd…
Join Paula Simon every Sunday in February from 11:30am – 12:30pm for Insight Meditation series.
Meditation instruction and guidance suitable for both beginner and experienced meditators.
Each class includes a sequence of sitting and walking meditation. Emphasis is placed on the practices of sitting and walking meditation and developing mindfulness in daily life. Discussion will conclude each session.
Insight Meditation is a simple technique that has been practiced in Asia for over 2,500 years. Beginning with the focusing of attention on the breath and developing awareness of all phenomena, the practice concentrates and calms the mind. It allows one to see through the mind’s conditioning and thereby to live more fully present in the moment. There is no requirement that any beliefs or rituals be adopted, although an open mind is requested. The practice develops clarity of seeing which allows grasping, judgment and fear to fall away. One discovers and cultivates qualities such as peace, vitality, compassion, equanimity, wisdom, joy and moral integrity. The ultimate aim of the practice is the ending of suffering in the discovery of an unconditioned and complete freedom.
Cost is $60 for the entire 4 week series or $20/class. Registration is appreciated but not required.
Starts February 3rd — Ends February 24th
About Paula
Paula Simon is a certified meditation teacher who has been practicing Insight meditation for 10 years. She completed her teacher training through the Spirit Rock Meditation Centers “Spirit Rock Community Dharma Leaders Program” in 2017.
She has deepened her practice by attending numerous mediation retreats at the Insight Meditation Society, the Garrison Institute, Barre Center for Buddhist Studies, Spirit Rock Meditation Center, Joshua Tree Retreat Center and other meditation centers. Practicing on many retreats with master teachers in the Insight tradition has helped to expand her understanding and experience.
Also a yoga teacher who works with private clients and at local schools in addition to her focus on teens who are in at risk environments and have experienced trauma. She completed the “Teaching Trauma Sensitive Yoga” program at Kripalu Center, her 200 hour and Restorative Yoga Teacher Training at Kaia Yoga Center, and multiple trainings with The Lineage Project in NYC.
Paula is deeply committed to undoing racism and raising awareness around unconscious bias through mindfulness in everyday life. She is inspired to teach mediation in order to share the benefits of the practice with others.